The ANONYM Choir

The Anonym Choir is a ten member mixed chamber choir from Chomutov, founded in January 2006. Its members are musical amateurs with a variety of civilian vocations. The organizing manager who conducts regular exams is Ing. František Fedor. Michal Novenko, a professor at the Prague Conservatory, a renowned organist and composer, leads the choir since the foundation. The choir performs regularly in its region, but also performs at various national festivals, as well as in Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine. It´s mainly devoted to older music of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. An Orthodox spiritual music is an important part of the repertoire.

Členové sboru

Sbormistr: Zdeněk Pavlovský

Soprán: Markéta Drncová
Natalija Kuncová
Simona Štichová
Ilona Šustrová

Alt: Kateřina Duchoňová
Lenka Fedorová
Helena Houdová
Irina Malinová

Tenor: Pavel Ježil

Bas: František Fedor

Region Podbořanska - 3.4.2019